
Frida Kahlo Lifestyle

Skin Care, Health & Beauty Advice
Cleaning Your Beauty Products

Spring Cleaning Your Beauty Products

When was the last time you took a moment to go through your makeup collection? One of the best beauty tips you will come across is making sure you spend time every three to six months taking note of what you’ve got, reading expiry dates, and making sure everything is hygienic and clean.

Believe it or not, paying attention to your makeup and beauty products is in the best interests of your health, so here’s how to start taking better care of your products.

Read Expiry Dates

Even though you’d pay close attention the expiry date of your dairy products in your fridge, most people are less likely to take the same care with their beauty products. However, over time, beauty products such as foundation, lotions, and serums, can all lose their structural integrity and become less than ideal for use. Reading an expiry date on a regular basis is even more critical if it’s a product which you use minimal amounts of. It tends to sit around longer, losing its effectiveness by the day.

Replace Makeup Application Tools

One of the most common beauty tips when it comes to makeup application is ensuring you replace and clean your makeup brushes and sponges. A sponge can harbour all kinds of bacteria, while a brush can become clogged with makeup that makes application challenging over time.
