
Frida Kahlo Lifestyle

Skin Care, Health & Beauty Advice

7 Myths About Laser Eye Surgery Which Are Completely False

One of the irritations that a laser eye surgery consultant or a cataract eye surgeon have to deal with is dispelling myths that a patient have read and subsequently believed. Some of these myths are enough to make patients far more fearful and doubting of laser eye surgery and its ability to improve their eyesight than they need be.

Although millions of people have had successful laser eye surgery and all the surgeons who carry it out are extremely skilled and experienced professionals, having a doubt placed in one’s mind due to falsehoods is what makes many candidates for laser eye surgery doubtful at one end of the scale and downright terrified at the other. So, to help them, and possibly yourself, here are seven laser eye surgery myths you can completely dismiss as false.

Myth #1 – Laser Eye Surgery Is Extremely Painful: Invariably this is untrue. Your surgeon will apply eye drops to numb your eye, so you feel no pain during the procedure. After surgery, there may be some irritation, but this can be combatted with painkillers and any discomfort usually subsides within a couple of days.


My Rash

What’s My Rash?

Unless you’re a medical professional, you may have a hard time determining whether your strange rash is a health concern or nothing to worry about. Rashes can be all manner of things – from bites and allergies to skin sensitivities and fungal infections, so it’s essential not to jump to conclusions.

The following information can help you to narrow down potential rash causes, but it’s by no means an extensive list. The best way to diagnose a rash or skin irritation is by making an appointment with your GP.

Flea Bites

Flea bites are usually quite easy to spot, because they look less like a rash, and more like a cluster of spots. In many cases, they frequently appear around your feet and lower legs, and they have a round halo around a red bump that’s quite itchy.

Unlike other health issues and rash types, flea bites become itchy almost immediately after they happen. They are also present on the legs and feet because of where the fleas typically live or feed. Often, flea bites go away without treatment, but antihistamines and anti-itch creams may prove useful. You must also address the cause of the fleas to prevent more bites in the future.


Benefits of Sleep Dentistry

It’s not uncommon to feel scared, anxious, or nervous when you visit your dentist. Sometimes, those fears are limited only to the waiting room. Other times, they are exacerbated by the short trip from that room to the dentist chair. If you suffer from anxiety, fear, or worry about dental procedures, then you’re not alone. Many people put off trips to the dentist because they don’t feel comfortable or safe.

Fortunately, there are ways to still get the dental care you need, but without all the worry, anxiety, and fear that can go along with it. Sleep dentistry is a popular option for many, with various “sleep” options to put you at ease.

You can be entirely asleep, partially, or aware but relaxed. Any of these options – with oral sedatives, IV sedatives, or gas, could work for you. Read on to discover many of the benefits of cosmetic procedures done by dentists.

Your Entire Body Is Relaxed

If you’re a bundle of nerves in the dentist’s chair, and it’s affecting your ability to see your dentist as often as you should, then sleep dentistry might be for you. Depending on the sleep method, you may notice that your entire body feels relaxed and at ease. As a result, the treatment can be far more comfortable, and can even happen quicker than you anticipated.


Invisalign vs. Braces

Invisalign vs. Braces

If your dentist recommends braces but offers two choices: traditional or Invisalign, then how do you know which is the best one for you? Both traditional braces and Invisalign have their pros and cons.

Traditional braces have metal brackets, wires, and rubber bands. They are more discreet now than ever before and have a long history of success. Invisalign, on the other hand, has been around since 1999, but are nearly invisible and are customised for each person.

The Pros of Traditional Braces

Traditional braces will work tirelessly to improve your smile. You wear them around the clock, and they are permanent until your dentist removes them. They are also exceptionally effective at fixing complex dental problems.

The Pros of Invisalign

There are many reasons why you may prefer Invisalign over more traditional braces. The first is how invisible they are. Even though traditional braces are now available in a ceramic material and look sleek to suit your smile, they stand out. Invisalign, on the other hand, is nearly invisible.

You can also remove them at a moment’s notice to indulge in treats that you may not be able to have if you wear traditional braces. They are not suitable for complex dental problems, however. If you need to fix back teeth or rotate teeth, then your dentist may recommend traditional braces instead.


Dental Filling

Filling You in About Fillings

When your dentist tells you that you need a filling, you may begin to feel a little nervous, on edge, or maybe even scared. Misinformation and fear of the dentist can create panic in your mind unnecessarily. However, the truth is, fillings are a minimally-invasive dental procedure that can be started and finished before you know it. Below, you can find all the information you need to know about getting a filling to put your mind at ease.

Why do I Need a Filling?

When your tooth or teeth are decayed, or you have a cavity, your dentist may recommend a filling as a way in which to restore your tooth to how it once was. The filling can be the same shape as your tooth was but is replacing the decayed portion of the tooth.

However, some people get fillings for other reasons as well. If you have cracked or broken teeth, you grind your teeth, you bite your nails or even use your teeth to open bottles, you may find they are damaged and are in need of composite fillings to restore them to their former health.

What is Involved in the Filling Process?

When your dentist discovers a decaying tooth or cavity, the first thing they will need to do is remove that decay. To do so, they will inject anesthetic into the gum region around the tooth so that you won’t feel any pain or discomfort. Once the anesthetic kicks in, they then clean the tooth, removing all the decay and bacteria. The tooth is now clean and ready for a filling.


Drinking Enough Water

Are You Drinking Enough Water?

When you’re looking at getting fit and staying fit, your body needs all the fuel it can get. Much of your body is made up of water, which is why drinking fluids every day is so crucial. According to health authorities, we should all be drinking at least eight glasses of water per day or around two litres, but we’re not. Everyday Australians are walking around in a constant state of dehydration, with average water consumption at about 1.2 litres a day, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

If a little over a litre per day is all you’re consuming without taking into consideration sweat and fluid lost through exercise, then it’s time to make a change. If you take an active approach to water intake, your body will thank you for it.

What Are the Signs of Dehydration?

Many Australians become dehydrated every day, and they don’t even know it. Then, when they go to work out, that dehydration becomes worse.

Signs of dehydration include:

  • Feeling overly thirsty
  • Having a dry mouth
  • Feeling fatigued
  • Not urinating frequently
  • Yellow urine
  • Headaches
  • Dizzy spells
  • Dry skin


See Your Dentist

5 Signs You Need to See Your Dentist

Most people know they should be seeing their dentist at least twice a year, but the reality can often be entirely different. Many people, while knowing this, still prefer only to visit a dentist when they notice a problem with their oral health. While there is no time like the present to start taking better care of your oral health with regular visits, there are also a few things that could mean you need to make an appointment sooner rather than later.

If you notice any of these five things below, go and see your dentist.

Tooth Pain

Your teeth don’t hurt for no reason. Even if you can eradicate the pain with medication or it goes away on its own, it doesn’t get to the root of the problem. If you feel any tooth pain at all, book in to see your dentist.

Swollen or Inflamed Gums

If you notice that your gums are appearing swollen, they’re more red than usual, or they’re tender to touch, then it’s best to see a dentist sooner rather than later. Often, inflamed gums can be a sign that plaque has accumulated within your gum line, or something more serious is happening such as periodontitis or gingivitis.


Grinding Your Teeth

Grinding Your Teeth? Here’s How to Stop

While you might find yourself grinding your teeth as you concentrate at work or carry something heavy, did you know you can do it sub-consciously while you sleep as well? Grinding your teeth, also known as bruxism to dentists, is when you clench your jaw together and put force on your teeth while rubbing them against each other. While you might be able to control it when you’re awake, it’s a little more complicated while you are sleeping.

How Do You Know You Grind Your Teeth in Your Sleep?

Because you’re asleep, you’re not going to know you’re a sufferer of bruxism. However, there are a few telling signs of which you might like to be made aware. If you wake up with a headache, a sore jaw, your mouth muscles are aching, your ears hurt or you’re feeling stiff around your face, neck, or shoulders, then you could be grinding your teeth in your sleep.

What’s more, a trip to the dentist can also show that your teeth are affected by your teeth grinding. Your dentist might spot some abnormal wear, some teeth might be fractured, and some might even be on the brink of falling out. Bruxism can be quite damaging to your teeth and jaw.

Why Do You Grind Your Teeth?

There are many theories surrounding why some people suffer from bruxism, but the evidence is quite limited. According to the Bruxism Association, if you’re a smoker, a drinker, you consume a lot of caffeine or have a sleeping disorder, you may be more prone to teeth grinding. What’s more, if you’re stressed or anxious, there might be a link there as well.


Drug Rehab

Why Your Family Can Benefit from Drug Rehab Too

When you’re struggling with an addiction, you’re not the only one who’s suffering. Your family is too. Therefore, when you decide to make a change and book into drug rehab, it’s crucial to choose not to go on this journey alone. Your family can benefit from a drug rehab facility as much as you can.

While many centres would instead focus on your recovery away from family, there usually are family weeks where your loved ones can join you at a drug rehab facility for a time of healing, support, and communication. Here is why booking yourself into a drug rehab helps more people than only you.

Share Their Feelings About Your Addiction

When you’re an addict – be it alcoholism or drug addiction, nothing else typically matters but that drug of choice. In fact, you can be oblivious to everyone around you. When you go to drug rehab and slowly work to become healthy again, you can find yourself beginning to realise how much of an impact your addiction had on those around you. In a controlled and supportive setting, your family can be given the opportunity to share with you how your addiction made them feel.

They Can Feel Useful

When you allow your family to support you with your recovery, you are no longer blocking them out as you may have done in the past. As a result, your family and friends can feel useful and needed in your recovery. Moreover, when you know you have genuine support, you are more likely to continue remaining in treatment, even if you’re struggling with the new environment.
